Sunday, February 28, 2021

Celebrating March


O wind a-blowing all day long,
O wind, that sings so loud a song!
- from "The Wind"
by Robert Lewis Stevenson

Monthly Celebrations
American Red Cross Month
Music in Our Schools Month
National Women's History Month
Foot Health Month
National Peanut Month
Poetry Month
Youth Art Month

Weekly Celebrations
First Full Week: Return Borrowed Books Week
First Full Week: Newspaper Education Week
First Week: Teen Tech Week
Second Week: Girl Scout Week
Third Week: World Fold Tales and Fables Week
Third Week: Spring Break
Fourth Week: National Week of the Ocean

Daily Celebrations
March 01: Peace Corps Day
March 01: Peanut Butter Lovers Day
March 02: Read Across America Day
March 02: Dr. Seuss' Birthday
March 03: I Want You to Be Happy Day
March 03: World Wildlife Day
March 04: Call to Action Day (March Forth!)
March 04: National Grammar Day
March 04: World Book Day
March 05: National Day of Unplugging (first Friday)
March 06: National Dentist's Day
March 07: National Cereal Day
March 07: Iditarod Begins
March 07: Girl Scout Sunday
March 08: International Women's Day
March 10: Mario Day (MAR10)
March 10: International Day of Awesomeness
March 11: Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Day
March 12: Girl Scout Birthday
March 12: National Plant a Flower Day
March 13: National Good Samaritan Day
March 13: Genealogy Day
March 14: PI Day
March 14: Daylight Savings Time Day
March 14: Learn about Butterflies Day
March 15: Ides of March
March 16: Goddard Day - 1926 Robert Goddard launch the 1st success liquid-fueled rocket
March 16: National Giant Panda Day
March 16: National Artichoke Day
March 17: St. Patrick's Day
March 18: Absolutely Incredible Kid Day (Campfire Kids)
March 18: Goddess of Fertility Day
March 19: National Poultry Day
March 20: Ostara
March 20: Snowman Burning Day
March 20: International Day of Happiness
March 20: Spring Equinox
March 21: Spring Fairy Fun Day
March 21: World Poetry Day
March 21: International Day of Forests
March 22: World Water Day
March 23: World Meteorological Day
March 25: Vaffeldagen (Waffle Day) in Sweden
March 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday
March 26: National Spinach Day
March 27: Passover Begins at Sundown
March 28: Palm Sunday
March 28: Respect Your Cat Day
March 28: Earth Hour
March 29: Holi - Hindu festival of Colors
March 30: Doctors' Day
March 31: National Crayon Day

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