Saturday, March 1, 2025

Read Across America Week

   Read Across America Week was always one of my favorites both as a youth and when my own children were growing up and it's something I still love today. My favorite part has to be the themed dress up days (even though the idea of just chilling out and reading all day is a very close second!). Not one to turn down a good dress up opportunity, here's our dress up line up for this year's Read Across America Week.

Monday - Fox in Socks: Wear your craziest socks (bonus points if they have foxes on them!)

Tuesday - Green Eggs & Ham: Wear green (and enjoy some green eggs and ham for snack today)

Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday: Anything goes (as long as it's Club appropriate) - crazy hair, clothes on backwards, even Halloween costumes!

Thursday - Thing Thursday: Grab a buddy and twin today

Friday - Oh the Places You'll Go - Career Day! Dress as the career of your choice today.

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Read Across America Week

   Read Across America Week was always one of my favorites both as a youth and when my own children were growing up and it's something I...