Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Twelve Days of Christmas Break: The 1st Day - Homemade Ornaments


On the first day of Christmas Break make some homemade ornaments to decorate your tree.

You Will Need

fresh cranberries
mini marshmallows
thin florists write
holiday ribbon
pieces of orange rind (optional)

Young children who enjoy threading buttons and beads will be adept at making this ornament. It makes a colorful addition to the tree and when the holidays are over, you can hang it outside on a tree branch for a treat for the birds!

Cut the wire into 16-inch lengths. Begin by threading a cranberry on the wire, leaving about 1 1/2 inches of wire at the end. Alternate cranberries, marshmallows, and orange ride pieces (optional). When the wire is almost covered, twist it into a wreath shape. Twist end pieces of wire together. Attach a ribbon to the wire and hang it on the tree.

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