Monday, February 1, 2021

Fabulous February - Holiday Celebrations


The February sunshine steeps your boughs,
And tints the buds and swells the leaves within.
- from "Twenty Second of February"
by William Cullen Bryant

Monthly Celebrations
African American History Month
American Heart Month
National Children's Dental Health Month
Love the Bus Month
Library Lovers Month
Youth Leadership Month

Weekly Celebrations
First Week: National New Idea Week
Third Week: Random Acts of Kindness Week

Daily Celebrations
February 01: World Read Aloud Day
February 01: Imbolc Begins
February 01: National Serpent Day
February 01: National Dark Chocolate Day
February 02: Groundhog Day
February 02: Candlemas
February 02: National Hedgehog Da
February 03: Elmo's Birthday
February 03: Four Chaplain's Day
February 03: National Carrot Cake Day
February 03: National Missing Persons Day
February 04: Charles Lindberg - 1902
February 04: Homemade Soup Day
February 04: Thank a Mailman Day
February 05: National Girls and Women in Sports Day
February 05: National Weatherperson's Day
February 06: Ronald Reagan - 1911
February 06: Waitangi Day - New Zealand made part of the British Empire 1840
February 06: Take Your Child to the Library Day
February 07: Laura Ingalls Wilder -1867
February 07: Charles Dickens - 1812
February 08: Boy Scout Anniversary
February 08: National Kite Flying Day
February 08: Jules Verne - 1828
February 09: National Weather Bureau Established 1870
February 09: National Pizza Day
February 10: Umbrella Day
February 11: Make a Friend Day
February 11: Inventor's Day
February 11: International Day of Women and Girls in Sports
February 11: Thomas Edison 1847
February 12: Abraham Lincoln 1809
February 13: Library Lover's Day
February 14: Ferris Wheel Day - 1859
February 14: Read to Your Child Day
February 14: Valentine's Day
February 15: Galileo Galilei - 1564
February 15: National Gumdrop Day
February 16: Mardi Gras
February 17: President's Day
February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
February 19: Nicolaus Copernicus - 1473
February 20: Love Your Pet Day
February 22: George Washington - 1732
February 22: World Thinking Day
February 24: Wilheim Carl Grimm - 1786
February 25: International Pancake Day
February 25: Pierre Auguste Renior - 1841
February 26: Tell a Fairy Tale Day
February 27: International Polar Bear Day
February 27: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1807
February 28: National Tooth Fairy Day

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Read Across America Week

   Read Across America Week was always one of my favorites both as a youth and when my own children were growing up and it's something I...