Monday, March 2, 2020

Newspaper Education Month

The first full week of March is Newspapers Education Week. The celebration can be found at the Republican Herald's Website.

If you are looking for other ideas to use newspapers in your educational adventures, here are some additional ideas.
Find the Word Part
When I was in second grade our teacher had oodles of wonderful morning work activities for us (way before the days of Pintrest, this lady had it down). One of those activities was get an 1/8 sheet of newspaper (she would cut these down for us) and highlight all of the word parts of the day - for example we might be looking for all -ing words. This was one of my favorite activities because we got to read the news snippets AND we got to use the teacher's special highlighters. Other ideas of things to look for with this activity are words with a particular vowel sound, compound words, words in past, present or future tenses, possessives, plurals, and parts of speech.

Explore Geography
Have the kids find stories that illustrate each of the five themes of geography - location, place, human interaction and the environment, movement and communications, and regions. Display the stories on a bulletin board or have the group make a video or slideshow to present.

Make Your Own Newspaper
Once kids have had a chance to explore the newspaper, they might like to create their own. Here are a few resources you can print and use to create your own newspaper with your class or at home.

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