Friday, October 11, 2019

International Day of the Girl

Today is International Day of the Girl and our club is celebrating in some wonderful ways. First, we have a phenomenal staff member who is going to share his views on respect and courtesy for all genders and basically encouraging gentlemanly behavior. 
Then we're showing a video from the Day of the Girl website discussing girls in STEM careers, and exploring some ways we can encourage girls to feel more accepted in the world of STEM.
Finally (my favorite part) we're announcing a new partnership. For several years we've had a partnership with Boy Scouts; each month they prepare for us a kit of supplies and bring it out to our site and a few times a year the Boy Scout council representative will come out and do projects with our kids (all of our kids - not just the boys). Things like the pinewood derby and rain gutter regatta have been favorites. They also invite us out to a day of camp each summer and all of our kids go have a great time. BUT, it's still Boy Scouts. Our girls know that they don't have their own program and it's been something I've wanted to remedy since I started working at the club. I'm so excited to announce that we have a pilot partnership with Girl Scouts. We will have our own troop here at the club and while the council representative will come out and visit from time to time, the council staffers won't be the ones responsible for weekly programming. I'll be facilitating a multi-level troop within our club and we are the very first club in our council to have this program available for our girls. To day I'm excited is an understatement. 
How have you celebrated the International Day of the Girl? Does your organization have a partnership with other groups? Has it worked well for you or have you learned something valuable from the experience? Let me know!

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