Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hey, Hey - It's Constitution Day!

Constitution Day is the holiday that celebrates the ratification of the United States Constitution. It's a relatively new holiday added into our regular line up (actually, this is the first year I've done activities with it here at our Club) and I'm hoping the kids are enjoying some of our activities.

In the library we watched an episode of Liberty's Kids that gives the kids a bit of a background in the history of the forming of the constitution.
Another good video I found to give the kids some background information is From Homeschool Pop and it covers a bit of the more modern aspects of the Constitution.

And of course, one of my favorite shorts about the Constitution comes from School House Rock

In the Tech Lab our older kids went to the Brain Pop Website and the kids had some options of things they could do. First, there is a super short video clip (less than 5 minutes) that gives them some information on the Constitution. Then, there are games that they can play to test their knowledge.

For the K-3 group, we use Brain Pop Jr and they learned a bit about the branches of government. There isn't Constitution specific programming for the younger group, but this gives them a similar topic and a foundation for when they are older and can learn more about the Constitution.

I'm looking for other ideas to expand for next year, but I think this gives us a good start in introducing the kids to a bit of government.

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