Friday, May 1, 2020

Girl Scout Fun Ideas - May Edition

I've worked with Girl Scouts for nearly two decades (it really doesn't feel like that long!) and one of the things I loved most about having a Girl Scout troop was our holiday and seasonal activities. The ideas I share in these monthly posts are from a New Leader Booklet that was shared with me when I started leading Girl Scout troops in the early 2000s. Since our council (and as far as I know any other) no longer shares this information, I want to make it accessible on the internet. Enjoy!
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Have a piƱta. Make tortillas. Mix approximately 2 teaspoons of Masa Harina with about 2 teaspoons water in a ziploc bag. When it is well mixed, make patties and cook on a griddle.
Plan menus for Camporee and make Kaper Charts.
Go shopping for Camporee food according to menus and shopping lists prepared by the girls.
Make SWAPS for Camporee if that is being planned this year. SWAPS are small items that can be pinned to a hat. Each girl should make about 10 to 12 to share.
Have balloon rocket races and make different kinds of gliders. Cut a piece of yarn or string to about six feet in length. Insert the string through the drinking straw. Attach ends of string to stable objects such as chair backs, etc. Push the straw to one end of the string. Roll a small piece of masking tape, sticky side out. Attach one side of tape to the straw. Have a girl blow up a balloon. While holding the closed end, have the girl attach the balloon to the tape with the open end toward her. She then lets go of the end and the other end will propel itself to the end of the straw.
Make Air pictures. Place a small amount of poster paint on a piece of paper and blow the paint with a drinking straw.
Practice singing camp songs.
Go to Camporee! Camping is a highlight for the girls, and there is no easier way for the leaders to do it all than Camporee. Don't forget that at least one adult must attend Outdoor Skills Training.
Walk to a local park and play some rowdy outdoor games. Or, go to where there is a par course and do those activities. Get silly and loud.
Make your own puzzles by drawing a on a piece of poster board or card stock. Cut it up into small shapes (specify the number of pieces based on age and ability). Trade puzzles and try to put them back together.
Have a Bike Rally. You might be able to arrange for the Juvenile Officer from your local police department to come and talk to the girls about the rules of the road and safety rules. Decorate the bikes with crepe paper streamers. Set up some cones to ride in and out of. Practice hand signals.
Plan a Court of Awards ceremony and some entertainment. Remember that the ceremony doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate. The most meaningful ceremonies are planned by the girls!
May 1 is May Day in England. Celebrate with any kind of flower craft or activity, or have a May Pole.
Memorial Day is celebrated in May. Take part in decorating veteran graves with flags.
Learn about flower arranging and have a troop display for parents or another troop (or use to decorate your Court of Awards ceremony).
Make a troop banner with the girls' handprints and signatures. Bring to Camporee.
Blow Bubbles! Just use the store bought kind or make your own: 3 tablespoons glycerin, 3 tablespoons Dawn dish soap, 1 cup warm water, a pinch of sugar. Mix everything together with an egg beater or whisk. Use the store bubble wands or make some with thin wire. Try differently shaped wands or cut slits about 1/2 inch long into the end of a drinking straw.
Have a magic show! There are books at the library or check out kids' magic kits at toy stores (or Amazon). Let each girl perform a trick, and take your show on the road to a preschool, a children's hospital, or a children's shelter.

Read Across America Week

   Read Across America Week was always one of my favorites both as a youth and when my own children were growing up and it's something I...