Saturday, March 2, 2019

Celebrating Peace Corps Day

One of my favorite aspects of my job is that we get to share special holidays with the kids that they might not otherwise hear of here in small town, Midwestern America. On any given week you might find us making colored cornstarch to celebrate Holi while handing out Mardi Gras beads and masks. It's a good life. While I love all of the holidays, it makes me feel like we're actually achieving our mission when I get to incorporate something like Peace Corps Day.

We are blessed with an amazing Executive Director who served in Grenada with the Peace Corps. If you have a resource like this in your Club, it's shameful not to use it, right? I think so! So, for Peace Corps Day (which is actually part of Peace Corps Week) Mackenzie visited with our teens and shared some of her life experiences while working with the Peace Corps and also let them know how they could join in the Peace Corps when they were older.

If you're looking for ways to share the Peace Corps with your group but you don't have access to an actual volunteer, you can find some great resources on the Peace Corps website.

If you're looking for resources, check out the Educator page on the Peace Corps website. I love to find these "teacher" resources because we all know that education doesn't stop when kids leave their school buildings. In our Club, we strive to keep learning windows open and encourage kids to enjoy the benefits of life long learning and participating in new experiences.

If your Club or organization is looking for ways to incorporate the concept of being a global citizen I highly recommend reaching out to see if a Peace Corps volunteer could visit with your group. As a Girl Scout leader we covered being a global citizen with our Thinking Day celebration each year. A good place to start is the Girl Scouting Around the World retired Junior badge.

Friday, March 1, 2019

March Calendar Connection

March is a busy time around our Club. Spring Break is always in March so the early part of the month is spent putting the finishing touches on planning while the last bit of the month is spent recuperating from running the program! There are lots of things to celebrate in March as well. If you're looking for a super fun International holiday, try Holi on March 20. If you're looking for a way to boost member moral at your Club, Absolutely Incredible Kid Day on March 21 is just the ticket. If you're looking for a way to increase environmental learning in your Club, back to back World Forestry Day, World Water Day, and World Meteorological Day (March 21-23) give great opportunities. If your Club has a community partnership with Girl Scouts, March 8 is International Women's Day and March 12 is Girl Scout Day.

March is International Ideas Month
March is Women's Month
March is Nutrition Month

March 1: Peace Corps Day
March 2: Dr. Seuss Day
March 2: Iditarod Day
March 4: Do Something Day
March 5: Mardi Gras
March 7: World Book Day
March 8: International Women's Day
March 9: Genealogy Day
March 12: Girl Scout Day
March 13: Good Samaritan Day
March 14: Pi Day
March 17: St. Patrick's Day
March 20: Holi
March 20: Ostara
March 20: World Storytelling Day
March 21: Trip Around the World Day
March 21: Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
March 21: World Forestry Day
March 22: World Water Day
March 23: National Puppy
March 23 World Meteorological Day
March 27: Baseball Opening Day
March 27: World Theatre Day
March 28: Eggsibit Day
March 30: Doctor's Day
March 30: Pencil Day
March 31: Bunsen Burner Day

I'm sure there are many other holidays I haven't included. What special days does your Club or Organization celebrate in March? Let me know!

Read Across America Week

   Read Across America Week was always one of my favorites both as a youth and when my own children were growing up and it's something I...