Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January Calendar Connection

January is National Get Organized Month! There's something completely satisfying about cleaning up and clearing out all of the gathered winter clutter. I'm taking the month of January to cull out my office and remove all of the randomness that has accumulated over the holiday season. I'm also taking the opportunity to organize our programming and get back into a regular after school routine after the chaos of winter break has subsided.

January 01 - New Year's Day
January 04 - Trivia Day
January 05 - National Bird Day
January 06 - Epiphany
January 07 - National Programmers' Day
January 11 - National Milk Day
January 15 - National Hat Day
January 16 - Appreciate a Dragon Day
January 17 - Kid Inventor's Day
January 18 - Winnie the Pooh Day
January 19 - National Popcorn Day
January 20 - Penguin Awareness Day
January 21 - Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 22 - National Polka Dot Day
January 29 - National Puzzle Day
January 29 - Freethinker's Day
January 31 - National Backwards Day
Are you taking advantage of Get Organized Month? Do you have great tips and tricks that have worked for you? Let me know!

Graphics used in this blog post have been purchased from Thistle Girl Designs

Read Across America Week

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